7 Cute ways to ask a girl out in 2018 - WELCOME TO DELELINKS


Tuesday 6 February 2018

7 Cute ways to ask a girl out in 2018

Asking a girl out can certainly be intimidating. Often it can be challenging to come up with the right words or find some good ideas to ask a girl out. Not to mention, no one likes rejection. Good news is that if you have already been chatting with the girl online for some time, chances are that she is definitely interested and waiting for you to ask her out. To help you find the courage, our online dating pro wanted to share his best ways to ask a girl out:

“Hello there! I decided to share my ideas to ask a girl out because as I have noticed with myself and my friends, it can be quite difficult and even stressful. However, it does not have to be this way. All you have to do is ask and you will either get a “yes” or “no” from her. If she agrees, then awesome, you got yourself a date! If she declines, then, oh well, you can move on. I have been using online dating sites for the past few years my favorite is RomaceTale and asked out 14 women online and only one rejected me. The key to success is to be as original and sweet as possible. Here are some very cute ways to ask a girl out”:
•My ideas to ask a girl out in online dating.

  1. Just call her
If you have been texting online for quite some time now, it is likely that you have exchanged numbers already. Use this opportunity, dial her number and ask her out to her favorite restaurant, museum, walk at a park, or any other activity you have in mind. Taking your time and calling her will make her feel special. If she does not pick up the phone, simply leave her a cute voicemail and wait for her to call back. Be prepared to leave the voicemail in case she misses the call. It might be a good idea to practice a little bit to avoid awkward pauses and such
2.   send her a song.

 Another good way to ask her out is to send her a flirty or cheesy song hinting that you would like to see her in person and spend some time together. Pick a song you would like her to listen to but be careful with your choice. It is better to avoid songs with deep meanings about relationships and love as you are not on that level yet and it might scare her away.
3.   Show your singing talent in online dating.

If you like to sing, then you can record yourself singing and send it to her online or present your poem during your video chat date. Unlike sending a song, singing, to my mind, is way more personal and if you are not a good singer, it can also be really funny haha. Also, It will be a big plus if you play an instrument that will go along with your singing.  Either way, I am sure she will enjoy it and have a good laugh. You will definitely stand out from all the other men on the dating site Be creative, women love creative men.

4.   Send her a lovely gift or bouquet of flowers.

Ok, this one really depends on how close you are. Do not try this if you have just started chatting a day or two ago. While some women might think it is romantic if you find out where she lives, works and bring her the gift, some might feel creeped out by this action. Although, if she already told you where she lives or works, you can drop off a small gift or a bouquet of flowers with a cute note about your  intentions of asking her out. I have sent a teddy bear to my ex-girlfriend’s workplace before with the note that said “I would like to take you out for a dinner tonight at 7 pm”  and she loved the idea! We also met on the online dating site and that is how I convinced her to go out with me.
5.     Write it out.

This idea is also very cute, at least I think so. You can write what you want to say to her on paper. Once you are done, ask her to Skype with you or use any other video chat application and show her your creation. If you have some art skills, you can also turn it into a painting, poster, or whatever else you would like it to be. Then, all you have to do is to see her reaction and you will know right away if she is in for it or no. But, c’mon, who can reject this adorable action.
6.    Play an online game together.

Pick a game online that both of you enjoy. It can be anything from Poker to League of Legends. The rule should be that if she wins, she takes you out on a date and if she loses, you will. You certainly can’t go wrong with this one.

7.   Bake her something.

If you enjoy baking, make her a cake, cupcake, or any other kind of food you want. Then you can either attach a note or draw words on your creation indicating that you would like to take her out. The same way as the gift idea, you can drop it off at her doorstep or workplace and wait for her reply.

I think this is also a very sweet idea and she will definitely say "yes"

I hope my choice of cute ways to ask a girl out was useful to you all.From personal experience ,they really work like magic!.Do not be scared to ask her out,it could be the best decision of your life. 

I hope this article is helpful, give a feedback by using the comment box. THANK YOU. 


  1. What do you want me to say? That I had a happy, idyllic childhood. Played tea-party with my sister. Picked up shells barefoot on the beach. Took pictures of happy, smiling faces of enduring love with a camera that still used film. Went swimming with my father, mother, younger brother and sister. Soon realized though that all children have a complex about themselves. I don't own the bragging rights to having a manic depressive father, a hot, moneyed, glamorous, glossy-haired, well-traveled sister who lives in spiritual poverty and who I think has no wisdom, only a terrifying book-knowledge about numbers. And she's the go-to-person if we need financial advice. But enough about me. Yes, from an adult perspective I can honestly say I love my parents. For what it's worth they are still married but they lead separate lives. They sleep in separate beds. I'm glad I'm not married. I'm glad I didn't have those kids. No sunny road for me. No Canada for me either. I have chosen 'the self-imposed exile' of a writer. It suits me. Sometimes I go outside, sit in my mother's garden, meditate and tell myself that I was one of the lucky ones. funny teddy bear names

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